The need to assure digital business services against disruptions in availability, performance and security is more imperative than ever.
ADAPTIT SA in collaboration with NETSCOUT SYSTEMS/Arbor Networks, with customers in 120 countries, serving 90% of Tier 1 service providers and 50% of Fortune 100 companies is leader in both the Network Performance Monitoring and Diagnostic market and the DDoS prevention appliances and services, helps significantly in such direction.
ADAPTIT accompanied by NETSCOUT SYSTEMS/ Arbor Networks, has been present in Greece since 2012, working in conjunction with all major telecommunications service providers (ISPs) in our country.


Today, ADAPTIT/NETSCOUT/Arbor Networks technology helps protecting ISP’s infrastructure and their customers with a best-practice hybrid multi-layer solution consisting of Arbor AED for attack mitigation at the customer premises, Arbor Sightline TMS for scrubbing centre services, and Arbor Cloud for excess capacity in case of extremely large volumetric attacks.
The Arbor technology is the de-facto standard for DDoS mitigation for carrier-grade networks. Thanks to the cooperation with its extensive customer base, Arbor operates the world’s largest Internet visibility project, ATLAS, currently monitoring statistics from an estimated 1/3 of the global Internet traffic, providing unparalleled insights into Internet traffic trends and the nature of cyber-attacks. Indicatively, in 2020, ATLAS observed more than 10 million DDoS attacks, steadily growing in frequency. Part of the ATLAS data set is available publicly at https://horizon.netscout.com/.

DDoS landscape during Covid-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic created a seismic shift in how we work and live and added rocket fuel to the growth in DDoS attacks. During the shutdown, the world was hit by the largest number of monthly attacks NETSCOUT has ever seen—929,000 DDoS attacks just in May. As seen by our Active Threat Level Analysis System (ATLAS®), NETSCOUT Threat Intelligence observed 4.83 million DDoS attacks in the first half of 2020, up 15 percent from 2019. Even more telling, DDoS attack frequency jumped 25 percent during the pandemic lockdown months of March through June.
Meanwhile, average attack duration plummeted more than 50 percent. Why? It’s all about the money. Shorter attacks consume fewer resources for the bad guys and, even better (from their point of view), narrow the response window for defenders. Attacks were also more complex, as super-sized 15-plus vector attacks grew 2.851 percent from 2017, when such attacks were considered outliers. This adds up to some bad math for defenders: shorter duration + increased complexity = less time to respond to increasingly difficult-to-mitigate attacks. Such scenarios only highlight the vital role of advanced and automated DDoS technology.

What we achieve

ADAPTIT SA with NETSCOUT SYSTEMS/ Arbor Networks, providing solutions for the monitoring and protection of modern IP networks, from the restoration of visibility to assets developed in public clouds by companies of all types and sizes, to secure the performance and 5G networks developed by the world’s largest mobile network operators, ensures the avoidance of any form and size of financial chaos, and places the provider’s customers at risk while damaging its reputation and credibility.


ISO 9001

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO 14001

ISO 27001

ISO 27001


ISO 37001


ISO 45001

ISO 22301

ISO 22301

ISO 27701

ISO 27701